terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2019

Novo livro editado por SCRIBANO, Adrian & LISDERO, Pedro. Digital Labour, Society and the Politics of Sensibilities. London / New York: Palgrave / Macmillan, 2019, com prólogo de KOURY, Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro. Prologue: Emotions, Labour and Society 4.0 (p.VIII-XVII)

Autores presentes:

Thomas Allmer studied media and communication and political science at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and the Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. After he had finished his PhD in 2014, he started as Lecturer in Social Justice at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Since 2016, he has been Lecturer in Digital Media at the University of Stirling, Scotland, UK. He is also a member of the Unified Theory of Information Research Group, Austria. His publications include Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism (2012) and Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification (2015). 

Mustafa  Berkay  Aydın holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, and a PhD in Sociology from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He is a researcher at Uludağ University, Bursa, Turkey. His areas of interest are digital sociology, sociology of sport, applied sociology, political sociology, justice, migration and sociology of work. He has some publications to his credit in these areas. 

Çağdaş  Ceyhan holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, and PhD in Journalism from Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. At present, he is a researcher at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. His interests include social movements, sociology of sport, sport journalism, data-driven journalism, alternative media and digital ethnography. He has published some works in these areas.  

Zhang Jingting holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Spanish Literature from Shanghai International Studies University and PhD in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Zhang is a postdoctoral candidate of the project “Emotions and consumptions in the digital era in China” under the guidance of Adrian Scribano in the Gino Germani Research Institute, University of Buenos Aires. She is a member of the Group of Studies on Sociology of Emotions and Bodies (GESEC) in the Gino Germani Research Institute, University of Buenos Aires, and the Centre for Sociological Research and Studies (CIES).

Maximiliano E. Korstanje is a leading and global cultural theorist specialized in terrorism, mobilities and tourism. Korstanje serves as a senior researcher at the University of Palermo (Economics Department), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and editor-in-chief of International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality. Besides, he was a visiting professor at CERS (Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies) in the University of Leeds, UK, University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (TIDES) in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, and the University of Habana, Cuba. In 2016, he was included as Scientific Editor for Studies and Perspective in Tourism (CIET) and as honorary member of the Scientific Council of Research and Investigation hosted by UDET (University of Tourism Specialities, Quito, Ecuador). With more than 1200 publications, including 30 books, Korstanje is a book series editor of Advances in Hospitality, Tourism and Service Industries for IGI Global, US, the foreign faculty member of Mexican Academy of Tourism Research, Mexico, as well as foreign member of the Tourism Crisis Management Institute, University of Florida, US. In 2018, his biography was selected to be part of the roster of Alfred Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (Marquis Who’s Who). Korstanje has been awarded as Editor-in-Chief Emeritus for the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. At present, he works as an active advisor and reviewer of different editorial projects for the most leading academic publishers such as Elsevier, Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Edward Elgar, CABI, Nova Science Publishers and IGI Global among others. His latest book is The Challenges of Democracy in the War on Terror (UK).

Pedro  Lisdero holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology (U.  Siglo XXI, Córdoba, Argentina) and PhD in Social Studies of Latin America (Center for Advanced Studies—National University of Córdoba). Lisdero is a researcher at the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET, Argentina), Co-director of the Program of Studies on Collective Action and Social Conflict of Center for Research and Studies on Cultures and Societies (CONICET and National University of Córdoba— UNC), and a researcher at the Centre for Sociological Research and Studies (CIES, Argentina). In addition, he is an assistant professor and Chair “General Sociology” at the National University of Villa Maria (UNVM), Director of Sociological Studies Editora (ESEditora—CIES), and a member of the editorial team of RELACES, RELMIS, and Onteaiken.

Sergio  Martínez  Luna holds a PhD in Humanities from Carlos III University (Madrid). Since 2015 he has been Professor in Cultural Theory at Carlos III University. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Cultural Inquiry (ICON) at Utrecht University in 2017. He was a member of the R&D Research Project: Culturas materiales, Culturas epistémicas, Standards, Prácticas cognitivas y conocimiento (2013–2017). He is part of the R&D Research Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation: Imágenes, Acción y Poder (Zaragoza University). He is also a member of iViCON: Fundación Imagen Contemporánea y Estudios Visuales, Santiago de Chile. His publications include articles in journals such as Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, Artnodes, Escritura e Imagen, Laocoonte, Fedro, Campo de relámpagos, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (AIBR).

Francisco Osorio is a social anthropologist from the University of Chile, editor of Cinta de Moebio (Moebius Strip) www.moebio.uchile.cl, a journal devoted to epistemology of social sciences in Latin America. He was a Fulbright Scholar (1999) at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. Osorio was an honorary visiting fellow at the Anthropology Department, University of Manchester (2007–2010) and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Communication Computing Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University (2011). His experience as editor started in 1997 creating the first online journal in the area of philosophy and social sciences in Latin America, run from the Social Science Faculty (FACSO) at University of Chile (www.facso.uchile.cl).

Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro Koury is an anthropologist, specializing in anthropology of emotions, urban anthropology and anthropology of the image. He is an associate professor and a researcher at the Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. He is the chief editor of the journals such as RBSE Brazilian Journal of Sociology of Emotion, Urban Sociabilities, Journal of Anthropology and Sociology and the Editions of GREM. Koury leads two research groups at the Federal University of Paraíba: the GREM Research Group on Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions, and the GREI Interdisciplinary Group on Image Studies. Koury has more than 200 publications to his credit in the form of articles and chapters of books and more than 20 books on urban anthropology, image and emotions.

Juan A. Roche Cárcel is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Arts at the University of Alicante. Among his latest publications include, as author: Entre el Monte de Apolo y la vid de Dioniso. Naturaleza, Dioses y Sociedad en la arquitectura teatral de la Grecia Antigua (Anthropos, 2017); and La Sociedad Evanescente (Anthropos, 2009); The Vanishing Society (2013); as editor, Espacios y tiempos inciertos de la cultura (Anthropos, 2007); La Sociología como una de las Bellas Artes. La influencia del arte y de la literatura en el pensamiento sociológico (2012); and Transitions. The Fragility of Democracy (2016). He is the author of numerous articles in national, European, Latin American and North American specialized journals and coordinator of monographs from Spain, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, among which, Revista Política y Sociedad, Arte y Poder (n° 46, 2007); Papers. Revista de Sociología, Cultura y migraciones (n° 94, 2009); Res Publica. Revista de Ideas Políticas, Transiciones. La fragilidad de la democracia (n° 30, año 16, 2013); Res Publica. Revista de Ideas Políticas, Cuerpo y poder en la Grecia Antigua (2016); Política y Sociedad, El Saber Social de los griegos antiguos. Homenaje a Gómez Arboleya (2016); Culturas (UNL, Argentina), Cine y sociedad (2017). He has been a research coordinator in the Culture and Arts area of the ESA (European Association of Sociology) and Vice President of the AESCA (Spanish Association of Sociology of Culture and the Arts). He is or has been a visiting professor of, among others, the National University of the Littoral and University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the Pontificia Javeriana de Cali (Colombia), the Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil) and the University of Guanajuato (Mexico). He is the co-director of the collection of Social Sciences, Globalizations, at the Anthropos publishing house (Barcelona).

Adrian Scribano is Director of the Centre for Sociological Research and Studies (CIES estudiosociologicos.org) and Principal Researcher at the National Scientific and Technological Research Council, Argentina. He is also the Director of the Latin American Journal of Studies on Bodies, Emotions and Society and the Study Group on Sociology of Emotions and Bodies, in the Gino Germani Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. He also serves as Coordinator of the 26 Working Group on Bodies and Emotions of the Latin American Association of Sociology (ALAS) and as Vice-President of the Thematic Group 08 Society and Emotions of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

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